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Messaggi: 2305
Iscritto il: 19 gen 2006, 0:00
Località: rugby town

Messaggio da teodoro » 18 feb 2006, 15:52

guardate che bell'articolo ho trovato su planetrugby,forse lo avete già letto,però io lo posto lo stesso perchè è veramente bello!
<BR>Scott Murray gets his marching orders (Getty).
<BR>So that's the difference between rugby and football.
<BR>When a bloke kicks an opponent in the head in the Premiership, all hell breaks loose. Both managers claim not to have seen the incident and the recriminations go on for weeks with bans and suspensions everywhere. Years later, boo-laden memories linger.
<BR>When it happens in front of a packed Millennium Stadium with the odd-shaped ball in the Six Nations, the apologies are flying before the red card has returned to the referee's pocket. And the crowd lapses into a respectful silence for the perpetrator.
<BR>It's a level of sportsmanship football can never hope to emulate.
<BR>Scott Murray, the Scottish lock, definitely kicked Welshman Ian Gough in the head at the Millennium Stadium on Sunday. It was a reflex thing after a late tackle. Looked nasty but probably wasn't that bad. A moment of madness. As a result, Kiwi referee Steve Walsh told Murray calmy he had "no option under the rules of the game" but to send him off. And he sent Gough to the sin-bin too.
<BR>But in the background of a non-booing Welsh crowd, you could hear Murray saying to Gough: "I didn't mean to kick you in the head, sorry mate." Incredible. He apologised again as they got to the bench.
<BR>Wales captain Gareth Thomas, who went on to score two tries in a 28-18 victory which put an abrupt end to hopes of a Scottish rugby revival, said afterwards: "It takes a man to apologise on the field the way Scott did.
<BR>"He's a great bloke... look, everybody sees red in international rugby and does things they regret. Let's not judge him on it. It was a bit of a disappointment and the whole thing took something away from our victory."
<BR>Can you imagine all that sort of thing coming out if say, Michael Essien of Chelsea kicked Thierry Henry of Arsenal in the head at Highbury?
<BR>Of course not. They'd have to call in the United Nations. But that's rugby for you.
Rugby is life..play it!

Messaggi: 5702
Iscritto il: 28 ott 2004, 0:00

Messaggio da pier12345 » 18 feb 2006, 16:09

<!-- BBCode Start --><B>It's a level of sportsmanship football can never hope to emulate. </B><!-- BBCode End -->
<BR>bella articolo.

Messaggi: 3312
Iscritto il: 18 giu 2005, 0:00

Messaggio da BixBeiderbecke » 18 feb 2006, 19:41

Temo che questo articolo piaccia solamente a chi è "addetto ai lavori" o comunque a chi ha praticato il rugby. Gli altri faticano a capire. E' vero che il livello di sportività del rugby (a me di tutta la storia piacciono soprattutto le parole di Gareth Thomas) non potrà mai essere raggiunto nel calcio.
<BR>Il mio timore però è che per un estraneo al nostro mondo il messaggio che passa con questi episodi sia sempre e comunque che il rugby è uno sport in cui, se vuoi, puoi anche riuscire ad appioppare un calcio in testa ad un avversario (e penseranno: ... "se succede a livello internazionale, chissà quante volte succede ai più bassi livelli"...), cosa che nel calcio materialmente non si riuscirebbe a fare.
