Posto qua perché in tema col razzismo, ma parole purtroppo interessanti in questo caso nell'intervista di Odogwu al Daily Mail ... tions.html
I ask if he read Luther Burrell’s experiences of racism that were exposed in The Mail on Sunday last year. Burrell witnessed team-mates using the term ‘negro’ and making jokes about slave shackles. A lengthy and independent investigation remains ongoing.
‘It was crazy but not surprising,’ says Odogwu. ‘All the things he said I thought, “Yeah, I’ve seen things like that”. It’s mental. It just becomes normal. It’s the casual comments that people think they can say, just throwing out the N-word. I’ve heard things that make me think, “If you say that in the wrong area, you will be killed”. They get too comfortable because everyone around just laughs or says nothing. It wouldn’t fly in any normal job.
‘You hear comments that aren’t necessarily directed at an individual but are just so out of order. Someone was playing rap in the gym, pretty normal, and a guy walks in and says, “What the f**k is this N-word music bro, why is this always on in here?” I was like “What did you just say?” I was fuming but I couldn’t say anything because I was young.
‘Then you get the standard systemic stuff like “Black players can’t catch”. It’s still there. In team meetings I’ve heard, “Let’s kick on this guy because he can’t catch”. I’m like “What’s your evidence?”. But you do it in a game, he catches it and he scores.
‘If people have grown up in areas of England where there aren’t many black people then that kind of s**t gets said all the time. The people who say that out-of-order s**t have never been around black people. People who aren’t exposed to more cultures won’t have experienced repercussions for saying things. At grassroots level, I was one of the only black players in all of my teams. You’re just used to being around all white players.
"With respect a lot of you need to stop letting your emotions take over. Do not look at the individual who by the way is one of the best on and off the field. Just deal with the facts of the tackle, not who made it. That’s what we all do as officials now please stop being personal." Nigel Owens, August 2023