ed aggiungo pure un altro episodio avvenuto in questa stagione in sudafrica, sempre nel super12.
<BR>si giocava in pretoria tra i locali Bulls e gli australiani del Waratahs.
<BR>Durante la partita lo speaker dello stadio ha piu\' volte insultato la squadra australiana in inglese e lingua sudafricana....durante il gioco ...fra l\'altro sto speaker era stato licenziato 2 stagioni fa perche\' responsabile di simili episodi contro squadre ospiti.
<BR>E gli insulti sono terminati con la frase\" tornatevene a casa a fottere le vs pecore perdenti\"......a pochi minuti dalla fine della partita.
<BR>immaginatevi i poveri giocatori australiani...e tifosi in tv...che dovrebbero pensare??????
<BR>Gli australiani hanno fatto ovviamente reclamo, hanno tutta la registrazione video ed audio....ed io ho personalmente sentito dire tali frasi in tv .....che tristezza per il rugby!!!!
<BR>e poi....i spettatori sudafricani non hanno fatto nulla per protestare.....ovviamente probabilmente condividevano le parole dello speaker.
<BR>Lo speaker sudafricano e\' stato poi licenziato nuovamente...ma intervistato in merito all\'episodio ha affermato di non rimpiangere cio\' che ha detto...poiche\' ci credeva nelle frasi razziste che diceva.
<BR>ed a bordo campo la mascotte dei Bulls, faceva il giro del campo con in braccio una pecora (tipica in oceania) ed una carota....mentre sugli stadi si vedevano cartelli di insulto verso le pecore..coincidenze???
<BR>sempre in inglese....uno dei tanti siti internet in merito al recente episodio...purtroppo sempre in ingese....ma a suo tempo avevo gia\' postato diversi messaggi in merito a questo avvenimento avvenuto sempre in sudafrica.
http://foxsports.news.com.au/story/0,86 ... 17,00.html
<BR>Bulls announcer faces censure
<BR>By Jon Geddes and AP
<BR>March 23, 2004
<BR>BULLS chief executive Stephan Pretorius has promised to take action against stadium announcer Rian Van Heerden for making derogatory remarks at the Waratahs.
<BR>Van Heerden called the New South Wales Waratahs \"sheep-rooters,\" and insulted individual players in English and Afrikaans during a Super 12 game at Loftus stadium in Pretoria on Friday.
<BR>Waratahs management said they will make an official complaint to the competition\'s governing body SANZAR.
<BR>\"The players and management think it\'s totally unacceptable,\" Pretorius told the Pretoria News today.
<BR>Pretorius said he had been informed of the Waratahs unhappiness about the claims, and said he would be investigating the matter.
<BR>\"I personally didn\'t hear the remark,\" said Pretorius. \"I was on the field for most of the match but if he did say it then it was totally out of line and overboard and we will take the necessary steps to see it doesn\'t happen again.\"
<BR>Van Heerden was ironically fired as the stadium announcer two seasons ago when he insulted several visiting teams and made disparaging remarks about them in Afrikaans.
<BR>Waratahs captain Chris Whitaker said the comments had no bearing on the game and didn\'t affect the team in any way.
<BR>\"I know if that was our home ground, I would be really disappointed if that was our announcer, it\'s something you definitely don\'t need in rugby, it\'s a gentleman type of sport.\"
<BR>Meanwhile, Van Heerden insisted the Waratahs had taken his remarks too seriously.
<BR>\"I think the guys should calm down a bit, it is a storm in a teacup,\" he said.
<BR>\"Sometimes when a team loses, everything\'s wrong.\"
<BR>He denied calling the team \"sheep rooters\", claiming he actually called them \"sheep lovers\".
<BR>\"My job is to make sure the crowd backs the team and when they get behind the team the chances they will be successful are so much greater,\" van Heerden said.
<BR>\"The idea was not to insult the team at all, the idea was to get the crowd going.
<BR>\"It\'s too late to cry over a small fault, but I do believe what I did in the end was to motivate the team.
<BR>\"The Bulls won and that is the point for me at the moment.\"
<BR>Asked if he would do the same thing again, van Heerden said it depended on the opposition.
<BR>\"The Waratahs are the best team in the world and desperate times call for desperate measures,\" he said.
<BR>Van Heerden singled out Mat Rogers for special attention during the weekend, with remarks about his hair and an outrageous comment that he looked like he had gout.
<BR>Van Heerden said Rogers was probably the best fullback in the world and claimed he needed to say something to get him on the back foot.
<BR>The announcer said he had no idea what the expression \"sheep rooting\" meant in Aussie slang.
<BR>When told what it meant, van Heerden said: \"Oh, my goodness. I said \'go home Aussie sheep lovers\',\" he said.
<BR>But that flies in the face of what the Aussies at the ground heard.
<BR>Van Heerden said if the players feel bad for being called sheep lovers, then he apologises.
<BR>NSW coach Ewen McKenzie also commented on the Bulls mascot running around with a sheep and a carrot \"inserted inapproriately\".
<BR>\"I saw the mascot running on to the field but that has nothing to do with me,\" he said. \"I don\'t know what he was trying to do with the carrot, I was shocked to see that.\"
<BR>The Daily Telegraph